Friday, September 2, 2011

WOW!!!............Has it really been a month

Since my last post???? I'm trying to post at least once a week(doesn't look like a very good track record to me) So to keep me on track...I decided to show my cards in some type of Thank you, Birthdays and so on............. just to keep me busy with this blog(sometimes I don't know why I get myself into these things)

But first I like to show a couple of pics I took on a road trip I did with my mom (89 and she did GREAT) and my youngest sister...we drove up north,  stopping at Gilroy (no joke when you take a breath you smell garlic(for sure!)for a late lunch then drove to Fremont(cute little town/city??) stayed at a convent  a couple of nights My dad's sister(who passed away last yr) and cousin are nuns.......   

the grounds are beautiful!!!!! and the sisters are so precious!!!!

the pic below is the famous bridge
We had a great time, we had dinner on fisherman's wharf  and the weather was good that we were able to take a stroll too glad that my mom was able to take the trip and to see sister B........Thanks sis for including me to tag

Here are a couple of thank you cards I made for the Sisters of the Holy Family....
hummm.... a card for my aunt (really 2nd cousin) and one for sister Ruth (Director and who made arrangement for us to stay in the convent) and one for sister Carole (who gave us(just me and my sister, since my mom had been there many times before) a tour of the convent and shared the history) where is her card????? .....and that means up late again tonight....
anyway.............until then